Rock Solid Customer Experience

Rock Solid Customer Experience

Businesses strive to provide rock solid customer experience but many fall short because one of the reasons is the lack of technology. In order to remain in business, one must evolve with the times. Banks continue to evolve, rapidly adjusting to processes and relying...
What makes a successful BPO and contact center

What makes a successful BPO and contact center

Just over 10 years ago, this was not remotely in my thoughts. I stumbled upon this role by accident.  I started a business which I thought would succeed yet, I failed miserably.  Second business failed and I lost more money. By the time I reached my third try,  a...
Change at the speed of your customer

Change at the speed of your customer

Recently, I had a conversation with a decision maker and I suggested for Konnect Up to build an app for their company in order to streamline their operations and gain customer satisfaction.  His response was, “people don’t like apps”…. “not everybody likes sushi...
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