Are you confident that your cyber security plan is robust enough to avoid a data breach?

Hackers are relentless in their search for weaknesses in your cyber security system.  

Hackers are determined to exploit your institution’s sensitive information.  

Hackers go to great lengths to attack the most sophisticated  and secure firewalls in order to achieve their nefarious goals.

In an article by The New York Times, it was reported that “in some cases, the hackers have taken advantage of weak passwords or sent fake emails loaded with malicious computer code that helped them get inside the network.  In others, they have scanned for software that hasn’t been kept up-to-date with the latest security fixes. Some hacks took hours. Others took months.

The very best hackers in the world are hacking these banks, and it’s a full-fledged arms race, said Tom Kellermann, the chief cybersecurity officer at Carbon Black, a security software maker.”

The New York Times went on to report that “more than 11 billion records are known to have been exposed in data breaches since 2005, according to a tracker maintained by the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.”

Maggie Miller of The Hill wrote that “a report released by the Internet Society’s Online Trust Alliance (OTA) showed that cyber incidents in the U.S. led to an estimated loss of $45 billion in 2018.”

There are only two ways to combat this arms race…

You can choose to ignore the crisis and hope that it never affects your institution.  (Not a wise choice, because it won’t go away…it is only going to get worse!)

Or, you can choose to be proactive and incorporate a cyber security strategy that insulates your company from attack.

Begin by incorporating these five strategies to strengthen the walls of security protecting your institution’s sensitive data…

  • Make sure that your operating system is up to date.  This may seem very elementary, but how many times have we heard that data was compromised through the OS?  It may seem frustrating and time consuming, but this is one of the most effective ways to prevent hackers from accessing data.
  • Has your company moved its data to the cloud, or are you still keeping on a premise-based server?  Studies have shown that cloud-based applications are far more secure at protecting data than traditional premise-based applications.
  • Have all employees access their computers through a VPN system, and include two-factor identification.
  • Engage the services of a qualified cyber-security firm to analyze and review the effectiveness of your data protective strategy.  Let them interface with your onsite IT team and incorporate their suggestions. You brought them in for a reason…
  • Make sure that all individuals who access the system completely log out upon exiting their access.  Incorporate fail-safe log-out systems to prevent unwarranted access.

Cyber-security is a complex, multi-faceted, and never-ending high-speed train that must be kept fully fueled to stay ahead of hackers.  These hackers are patient, sophisticated, and determined to access your data. Having a robust cyber-security strategy in place is critical to the short and long-term success of your company.

If you are struggling with cyber-security…

If you are needing to upgrade your company’s system, or perhaps your company has not addressed cyber-security…

You are not alone.  We are here to help!

Contact us today and let us help you develop a robust cyber-security platform that will protect you and your sensitive data.

Martin Casper

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